社会福祉法人白峰会 高風子供園の子供たちにパンをプレゼントしました。

Posted on 26.Dec.2023

弊社は、神奈川県横浜市にある社会福祉法人白峰会 高風子供園の毎年恒例であるクリスマスイベントでは、





Bread was presented to the Kofu Children’s School.


Our company is at the annual Christmas event of the social welfare organisation Hakuhokai Takakaze Children’s School in Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture,

We present bread to the children at the children’s school.

This year we prepared delicious melon bread.

Seeing the children smile with bread is our greatest pleasure.

We will continue to contribute to the local community through bread.

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